Saturday, November 24, 2018

Walters Art Museum: European Painting 15th through 18th Centuries, part 2

A continuation of images from the European galleries of the Walters Art Museum.  Highlights from my visit yesterday.
Portrait of Marquis Massimiliano Stampa, 1557
Sofonisba Anguissola (Italian)
circa 1535 - 1625

Portrait of Catherine di' Medici, circa 1580
Francois Clouet, Follower of (French)
circa 1516 - 1572

I am a fan of Catherine in that she perhaps is credited with doing more for the popularization of spinach than any other living person.  Her obsession with the leafy green first brought to Italy in the time of Marco Polo from it's native Himalayan Mountain ecosystem led to the naming of Pasta Florentine in her honor.  It is said the she demanded her cooks always had some available, which you can imagine was no mean feat in the 16th century, royalty or not.
Medallion with the Goddess Ops, circa 1545
Leonard Limosin (French)
circa 1505 - circa 1577

Ecce Homo, circa 1610
Pedro Orrente (Spanish)
1580 - 1645

Saint Mary Magdalene, circa 1625 - 1635
Giacomo Galli (Italian)
1585 - 1652

Detail of Saint Mary Magdalene by Giacomo Galli.

Holofernes, circa 1640
Trophime Bigot (French)
active 1620 - 1640

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