Sunday, November 18, 2018

Keegan Theatre: As You Like It (adapted Musical)

I'm going to end the suspense up front: This production is super!  The frame of the story is Shakespeare's as is most of the dialogue, the songs and lyrics belong to Shaina Taub, in a wrapping that she adapted with the assistance of Laurie Woolery.  It's fast paced.  It's funny.  It's physical.  But most of all it's joyous.  The cast is having such a fun time with the material that you want to jump up and join and right in, and since the entire theatre is the stage with significant actions taking place no only in the main arena, but all along the sides, sometimes next you and sometimes behind you, it is designed to accentuate those feelings.

The sets and lights were wonderful, the choreography engaging and enticing, but the costumes really took the center of the supporting disciplines.  They were as filled with joy and the actions of the actors.  The cast was amazing, and many new faces.  I found myself thinking of a couple of the performers in particular that they were fearless.  In particular Phillip Reid as Touchstone and Nigel Rowe as Andy.  Their chemistry as supporting characters brought some of the funniest moments to life.  But honestly, there wasn't a slacker in the entire ensemble.  Another comedic bright spot was the well execute antics of Oscar Ceville as  Orlando's Manservant.  I've seen Caroline Dubberly in past productions and she is as fearless an actor as there is, but I have learned though this production that she has an equally enchanting voice.  The powerhouse of the vocals was Jade Jones in the role of the Duke Senior.  I also seen here in supporting roles, but never had the please of watching her shine in the spotlight before.  There are four weddings in the finale and of course I cried, but tears of joy as the shear fun of the moment.

This is one that is so worth going to see--DMV folks, do it, you won't be sorry.

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