Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Day In The Life: My Typical Diet

I think I've mentioned before that I've lost some weight.  60 lbs since May 1st.  I've done it all with diet and sleep and lots of water consumption.  I drink half my weight in ounces of water each day.  Now that means 6 - 16.9 oz bottles (at least); and usually it's 7 or 8.  A typical day of food looks like this.


Week days - packet of cream of wheat
Weekends - Eggs (scrambled or omelet)
Everyday - mixed fresh fruit
Today - Baby Spinach, Artichoke Hearts, and Scrambled Eggs with Cantaloupe, Black Grapes and Blueberries


Always a Salad
Sometimes protein
Sometimes more fruit
Today - Alfalfa Sprouts, Iceberg Lettuce, Red Pepper, Green Pepper, Tomatoes and Cucumber with a Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette 


Mostly meat and Veggies
Sometimes just veggies
Sometimes but infrequently rice
Today - Pan-fried Atlantic Cod and sauteed Green Beans

There is nothing you do for yourself every day than feed yourself.  Feed yourself well and your body will thank you with health and greater mobility.

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