Sunday, January 2, 2022

Remember Some Icons from the TV

Setting Betty White aside for sainthood among many other honors...

I am child of the TV Golden Era (1965 to about 1990 and the explosion of Cable TV). As kid on any given weekday evening the dinner table was a TV tray, and the meal was eaten from preformed aluminium gratis Swanson's and included: 1) a Chicken leg with mashed potatoes and corn, 2) Swiss Steak with mashed potatoes and carrots & peas, or 3) Turkey breast on stuffing with mashed potatoes and green beans.  And then nightly news followed by a stead stream of whatever was the most interesting TV programs on the air.

This it comes again, that at the end of the year, I am drawn to remember the actors who have passed and whose presence with me during dinner created such a false sense of intimacy...a faux family.  

Seventh Circuit District Courts--Demographics

 The Seventh Circuit is one of only two Circuits (2nd) to have just 3 states within its jurisdiction.  It hugs western and southern Lake Michigan and includes 7 Districts: Wisconsin (Western and Eastern), Illinois (Northern, Central, and Southern), Indiana (Northern and  Southern).  The Northern District of Illinois shares status of the second largest district with Eastern Pennsylvania (think Philadelphia).  This is a District in which former President Obama had a great influence, and not surprisingly.

Without further ado: