Sunday, September 9, 2018

Water Lily

I set up a space in my little side sunroom for painting at the beginning of the summer.  30 years ago, I was quite into watercolors.  In the past 20, I've done all of two!  Both flowers.  The first was done 7 years ago, a peace rose.  And here I've just completed the second, a water lily.

The evolution of my latest watercolor, Water Lily.  The subject started out as a photo I took at the National Arboretum.  I would like to get back into the habit of painting.  I have mixed feelings about this one, but overall it's okay.

I did try to record the progression over time, but I didn't do a very complete or well-paced job of it!  Still, I think it shows how it came together.  Below, the final version.

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