Saturday, September 15, 2018

Maryland Zoo: Giraffe House Plus

The plus is Okapi.  Well, pluses are Okapi.  The Maryland Zoo is home to a pair of half brothers of this elusive, arboreal species, the closest cousins to Giraffe.  It is sad to me that they are not part of the major renovation presently occurring.  Personally, I would love to see them given a new habitat in closer proximity to the Sitatunga as both are forest/jungle species.  By repurposing the present African Tortoise habitat (redesigning it to better reflect a habitat consistent with their woodland natural home), it would also better position them to be viewed by guests.  As is, they are just a coda at best to animals seen by visitors.  Aren't they more important, unique and frankly beautiful for such a fate?  Really look at their markings.  The specificity and uniqueness is remarkable. 

The Reticulated Giraffes are all living inside for the next year now.  They don't seem to mind.  Not a perfect or desirable reality, once their new digs are available, they will quickly let pass this time of restriction.  Adversity is a component to existence that we seldom respect.  In this space, you do have a different appreciation for their mass. 

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