Saturday, September 15, 2018

Great Salad: Chipotle Ranch

Every day for lunch I have a salad.  95% of the time, I make it myself.  I use Iceberg Lettuce, because I like it!  I like it better than Romaine or Bibb or whatever.  I include generously sized pieces of Red and Green Peppers, and Cucumber.  I also include Tomato.  Great farm tomatoes in season and then some of the smaller varieties the rest of the year like Grape and Ziti (those yummy little orange ones).  For this salad, I also added fresh Mango. 

I use a range of dressings and I try to avoid those with ingredients that are not good for you.  These ingredients are usually part of the list of items use to preserve the dressing before sale.  Derivatives of Benzine for example are not preferred--though legal in the U.S., they are outlawed in the European Union and Canada.  For this reason, lots of dressings don't use them (Thank YOU, Canada!)  This dressing Potassium Benzoate is a 100% NO.  Sodium Benzoate is not as bad (it actually occurs naturally in some foods we consume and even has some potential therapeutic uses in medicine).  Therefore, I will consume it in moderation.  This dressing is a favorite: Brainna's Home Style Chipotle Ranch Dressing.  It's got a touch a picante and a touch of smoky flavor.  It works well with meats and sweets like Mango. 

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