Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Smithsonian National Zoo #9: Bennett's Wallabies

Just past the Small Mammal house heading up the hill is a new deck pathway.  If you take it, you will encounter the newest addition to the zoo, a pair of Bennett's Wallabies.  To create this, the zoo refurbished an existing building next to a nearly identical one that it was using as a barn for a pair of Przewalski's Horses.  Both structures are made of gorgeous old stone and surely pre-date either of these uses by some time.  A yard was created between this little building and the Small Mammal House with the raised decking.  For good measure an artificial stream with flowing rapids was also added to skirt the building and flow under the deck at one point forming a little pool at the edge of the Wallaby exhibit.  It's an altogether little gem of a semi-private oasis.  Happening upon it, you cannot help but feel like you've discovered something special.  There are even a pair built-in benches to rest upon when it's not raining.
 Even though the area is not that large, you will have to be a little patient and spend some time looking for these shy animals.

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