Monday, December 18, 2017

'Tis the Season for Giving

I am a great fan of philanthropy.  I am not a wealthy man, but you don't have to be to give what you have to causes that you support.  Some that I have supported this year and am supporting again with an end of the year gift.  What do you care about?  Do you give?  Why not?

Ideas for your consideration.

Organizations that support the common safety and their memories
Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department

Organizations that promote the arts and literature
 Poetry Daily has been a passion of mine since it's inauguration over a decade ago now.
Out of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, it promotes contemporary poetry and access to a wide range of poetry journals from around the world.
The Charles Demuth Society of York, Pennsylvania which supports a small museum and promotes the work and memory of this personally beloved regional American artist.

Organizations that rescue and care for animals including zoos.
 A relatively new sanctuary dedicated to the care of Chimpanzee who have been retired from university and industrial research laboratories.  Don't get me started...
 A local domestic animal shelter with a non-kill philosophy
 The Costa Rican organization dedicated to the care and rescue of street dogs.  My beloved Romeo came into my life through this organization!
 My favorite local zoo in nearby Baltimore.  A zoo that is constantly improving it's range and care of the animals in its charge.  They have the largest and most state of the art facility for the conservation and African Penguins, a successful Sitatunga breeding program, and Panamanian poison dart frog conservation program among other things.
Proud member since 2016!  The quintessential accreditation organization for Zoos and Aquariums in North America.  And the organization that is responsible for the most comprehensive and successful endangered species breeding programs across dozens and dozens of endangered species.

Organizations that promote the arts and ideas across the public radio air waves
 Local Washington, D.C. public radio/TV station dedicated to presenting Classical Music.  A blessing during my commutes when I just can't fucking stand the local Public Radio Station dedicated to news!
The best Jazz Station on the planet out of Seattle, Washington.  I discovered it during my 2016 visit there and it was during there attempt to purchase their franchise from the host university that wanted to turn it into a conservative talk format shill for the rightwing media propaganda monster.  So my first contact was to join the thousands of people who contributed to their becoming an independent broadcaster.  Now I am a sustaining member to maintain their programs and presence.  If you enjoy, you will love KNKX.

LGBTQ etc.
Organizations that support the gay community
 One of the premiere AIDs response and support organizations that has evolved into the most important community healthcare organization for the disadvantaged Washington, DC gay community and others.
 The most important Washington, D.C. community organization for gay youth.  
Named for a martyred Gay man, Ali Forney Center provides housing and healthcare/meals for gay youth in New York City.

Organizations the feed the needy
S.O.M.E. is one of the most efficient and well organized food distribution programs providing meals for people all across the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia)

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