Monday, December 25, 2017

Recreating a Lost World(s)

As a teacher, I've always felt my best attribute was my own curiosity and desire to learn.  My latest project involves exploring our planet though out it's lifespan to fully internalize it's history in astrologic, geologic, biologic, climatologic, and evolutionary timeframes.  One aspect of this new endeavor is to create globes representing key touchstones in the lifespan of our home planet.  I have begun with the late Cambrian Era when the oceans were teaming with life, but little if any had made it's way to the land yet.
Building on the work of Dr. Ron Blakey and his colleagues at University of Colorado, I purchased a couple of globes and have begun the work of translating his images to a spherical representation of earth circa 450 million years ago.

When glancing at the first image online, a friend asked me if I were using huge styrofoam I sent her the second pic above to help her better see the transformation in progress.

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