Friday, December 8, 2017

Holiday Concert: The Canadian Brass

Just home from a wonderful concert by the Canadian Brass at Strathmore Concert Hall in Bethesda.

For those who are unfamiliar with CB, they are something of an institution in the classical music entertainment world--the original boy band!  And like Menudo, for example, the franchise has stayed the same, but the members have changed over the years.  The Trumpeter, Chris Coletti, admitted being born in the year that the ensemble's first Christmas album came out.

The show was musically beautiful and virtuosic which is exactly what you would expect.  What I didn't expect were some of the other talents the group possessed.  Things like a spot on dry Canadian humor that was both simple and very effective.  The afore mentioned Chris Coletti has a talent for whistling that was downright awe inspiring.  There was even an opportunity for some three part harmonious singing in service to one of the numbers.

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