Saturday, December 9, 2017


I ask so little of life, and I am bombarded with so much goodness...
 The snow gently falling outside reminding me of the season in a way that is not as common in this place as it was in the place of youth.
 The fire in the hearth warming the living room as only a real fire can.
 My beloved Romeo zonked out on the couch while I enjoy a "Homocide: Life on the Streets" 7th season marathon of my own making.
Soup simmering on the stove on its way to some future perfection, but also filling my home with aromas both savory and decadent.

Now, I don't know what you think heaven looks like.  And I don't even think there is such a place!  But whatever the discord between what you think and what I don't...heaven ain't any more wonderful than this.

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