Sunday, December 3, 2017

Holiday Traditions

It happens every year.  A coming of pre-Holiday moment in late November or early December when the first card of the season arrives.  All of the cards that have adorned my front door for the previous year must now be taken down and bundles away.  (With them might come a little paint--a reminder that friendships can leave scars.)  Their abiding witness of my friends and my acquaintances that have brought me a constant sense of belonging and cheer throughout the past year must now once again evolve.  The door is clean save the first card.  The possibilities limitless.  Will it be a year with a door weighed down with well wishes, or will the offering not even cover the scars of exposed paint from the past?  And to me, it wouldn't matter if it were only a door with this one card, because when that card is from a true friend, one card is enough.

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