Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Fourth of July: Takoma Park Style (from July 4)

In suburban DC there is one Fourth of July parade that rivals all the others.  Everyone comes and in the 24 years I've lived here, I never have.  I don't know why?  It's usually hot, sometimes it's been rainy.  Last year I tried, but so many streets were closed that I just gave up.  This I made a plan.  I actually drove over to a nearby metro station and then rode the train back into town!  It worked like a charm.  I had plenty of time to hike my way into a neighborhood and find a not so crowded stretch of the route to enjoy the fun from.
The anticipation is building.
 Start with the Police Honor Guard and Bike Patrol

 A shout out to the parade sponsors with Roscoe--our town Rooster.
 Guess who?
 A national of proud immigrants.

 Local Vietnam War Vets cheered along every step of the way.

 Bands and local musicians.
 Our Federal House of Representatives member, the Honorable Jamie Raskin.
 Our future Maryland Lieutenant Governor, Susie Turnbull.
 Get Reel Push Mower Brigade
 The Squid Squad, local crowd pleaser!
 Apparently all cephalopods are welcome...
 Wonder Woman tagged along with the Girl Scouts of America contingent.
 United Federation of Lady Bikers--not as risque as San Francisco's topless Dykes-on-Bikes, but just as real.
 From the funions up the road in Balm'r and one of the floats used in the Bay Race sponsored by the American Visionary Art Museum.
 Panamanian Marching Band.
 The "Flamingo" brigade above, below future members?

 I don't even know...
 The Washington Revels reveling along their way with much joy.

 Zydeco Cowgirls--(and boys) 
 Caribbean Steel Drum band

 Some guys livin' their dreams...another local band.

One of the last groups.  Takoma Park is so thoroughly integrated I honestly thought this group has long lost its "raison d'etre".  Still proud folks. 

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