Saturday, September 23, 2023

National Building Museum: Sustainable Housing Exhibit

 Got the theatre 50 minutes ahead of the show and so decided to duck in out of the tropical storm rain and gust into the National Building Museum to see what was up.  Not much.  Though it is one of the most stunning architectural wonders of the Nation's Capital.  The only free offering was a two room exhibition dedicated to the story of the affordable housing movement.  Pathetic when you stop to think about it, yet it was also very interesting and more importantly "doable" in the limited amount of time that I had at my disposal.

The bulk of the information was displayed on placards affixed to 2x4 house-shaped frames.  Clever and effective.

A handful of specific community based initiatives were highlighted like Mi Casa.

My favorite was a space dedicated to prefab modular homes.  The diagram shows a variety of configurations to meet individual needs in the midst of the uniformity of the basic design.

Some parting words from one of the many quotes highlighted on the walls of the galleries.

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