Sunday, September 10, 2023

Elmwood Park Zoo, part 5

 Leaving the Trail of the Jaguar, I decided to go along the upper path and then double back around to see the middle portion of the zoo.  During the last visit, the first habitat was identified has home to wolves, but no wolves were present at that time.  Nor are they part of the present zoo's offering.  Instead there is a little pack of javelinas, Chacoan Peccary.  The habitat looked upgraded.  

From here it is a straight shot to the zoo's most traditional species: Reticulated Giraffes and Hartmann's Mountain Zebras.  All of which are males.  The zoo holds bachelors and is not designed breed either species.  The design of the space allows you to get up pretty close to the animals.  

Working toward the center of the zoo you first come to a traditional looking barn.  It the home of a pair of miniature Mediterranean Donkeys, a handful of goats, and a couple of Jacob's Four-horned Sheep.  An adjacent building behind the barn keeps a flock of chickens.

Finally, running up the middle of the zoo are a couple of small buildings with a few reptiles, amphibians, small mammals including Red Panda and a colony of African Straw-colored Fruit Bats, plus some small primates, tamarinds and saki monkeys.

Chacoan Peccary

One of the three Reticulated Giraffe.

One of the two Hartmann's Moutain Zebras

The farmland barn anchor of the zoo's children's farm.

Mediterranean Miniature Donkey
A pair of Emperor Tamarind


Bumblebee Poison Dart Frog

Blue Poison Dart Frog

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