Saturday, January 28, 2023

Lego City Celebrates the Lunar New Year!

 The good and kind folk of Lego City wish to dedicate this year's celebrations to the Dignity and Resilience of the East Asian diaspora in the United States.  Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Filipino, Laotian, Tibetan, and Mongolian--in all of their amazing cultural diversity and incalculable contributions to the fabric of the place called America, Lego City says, "THANK YOU!"

And since when have the inhabitants of Lego City ever needed an excuse to host a celebration?!

A Chinese Gate of Heaven is constructed to close off Justice Street (renamed for the duration of the celebrations Bao Zheng Street) from Eastside Avenue.  The Festival wraps around to block Westside Avenue and cup the edges of Rachel Carson Park.
Inside the Festival visitors discover a range of booths and experiences from Cuisine to Crafts to Shadow Theatre--a favorite with the children.

There's even a giant rabbit to take pics with--a reminder of this auspicious New Year marked by calm and wisdom.

But what's a Festival without a Parade?

To the delight of lovers of noise!  The parade is lead by a firecracker major--warding off all the mischievous spirits and clearing the way for a NEW year!

The crowds delight in the floats as the parade passes Broadway Avenue on its way up Main Street.

A crowd pleasure features traditional music with an expert Tycho Drummer.

Like Santa Claus at Macy's Holiday Parade, it is the Rabbit that everyone looks forward to seeing!

From Lego City--a Happy and Auspicious New Year to you and all whom you love!

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