Sunday, January 1, 2023

Everyman Theatre: Baskerville--A Sherlock Holmes Mystery

Started off the new year by seeing a play.  Let this be a good omen for 2023!

Ken Ludwig is among an elite club of contemporary playwrights who's works are not only prolific, but produced!  I've seen a couple of his works before and he not only tackles plays, but he also dabbled in the genre of musical compilations with the show, "Crazy for You," that infuses the songs of the Gershwin's.  He is also known for his comedic treatment of his subjects.  In this play, there was plenty of slapstick, physical humor, and some of it played in full view of the audience with awkward costume changes and 3 supporting actors playing over 40 other roles. It was like a step-sibling to the play "39 Steps".

Everyman is a repertoire company.  Meaning that it employs a specific group of actors and uses them to stage their productions.  The actors from play to play are not exclusively members of the company, but most are.  And this also means that in considering works form any season, all of the actors in the company play a crucial role in determining not only what will be produced, but what their part in those productions might, could, will be.  It's a very interesting model, and not a common one in regional theatre companies.  

For the patron, this also means that you know who the players are.  In the same way that they develop an intimacy with one another, you feel a certain closeness to them, too.  To this end I have scene amazing performances from Danny as Stanley Kowalsky in "A Street Car Named Desire" opposite Megan's Stella.  Bruce's performance as Rene Gallimard in "M. Butterfly" left me in tears.  Both Tony and Drew (not a member, but seen before) are gifted and committed actors.  In this play Danny played Holmes to Tony's Watson.  Both strong and well played.  

But the award for best performances goes to Bruce, Megan and Drew in that order.  They held the show together by being chameleons and gymnasts--masters of contortionist as the circumstances required.  All around a delightful romp.  Look at the many faces of Drew, Bruce and Megan--and there were MANY more!

Sherlock Holmes (Danny Gavigan) and Dr. Watson (Tony Nam)

Drew Kopas and Bruce Randolph Nelson

Bruce Randolph Nelson and Megan Anderson

Megan Anderson

Bruce, Danny and Megan


The moment of the "Hound" attacks!  Drew on the floor.

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