Sunday, July 25, 2021

BMA: American Galleries

 Not my favorite place, but it's hard to deny there are a lot of beautiful things to be found here.

"Snowstorm, Madison Square"
by Childe Hassam
1859-1935, AMERICAN

"Reflections, Grez-sur-Loing"
by Willard Metcalf
1858-1925, AMERICAN

"The Sculptor's Studio"
by Charles Frederic Ulrich
1858-1908, AMERICAN

"The Nineteenth Century"
by Frank Blackwell Mayer
1827-1899, AMERICAN

"Janetta Falls, New Jersey"
by Jasper Francis Cropsey
1823-1900, AMERICAN

"Center Table"
by Anthony Gabriel Quervelle

"Jonathas Granville"
by Philip Thomas Coke Tilyard
1785-1830, AMERICAN

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