Saturday, October 3, 2020

Lemur Countdown: Black and White Ruffed Lemurs

 I'm going to share a dozen species of Lemurs as a count- down to the opening of the Brandy- wine Zoo's new Lemur Habitat in Wilming- ton, Delaware.

Begin with the Black & White Ruffed Lemur.  One of the most common species found in zoo's throughout the United States.  It's is also critically endangered in the Wild.  between 1997 and 2001 an attempt to reintroduce animals into the wild failed.  It is incredibly important to maintain a genetically diverse, viable, and vital captive colony in the hopes that conservation in Madagascar will turn a corner and become more robust in order to provide a platform from which to successfully reintroduce these unique animals back into the natural habitats.

Chances are good you've probably encountered them if you visited any of these zoos.

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