Friday, August 21, 2020

Maryland Zoo: African Waterhole

The African Waterhole is a trio of habitats.  One, is an immersive African Aviary.  Another, is called the Antelope Yard, but is actually home to Antelopes, Gazelles, and Storks.  The third, which most people would identify as the first is home to Southern White Rhino, Burchell's Plains Zebra and Common Ostrich.  An open cabana is the focal point along the path for all three.

Stubby, our Southern White Rhinoceros, with Stella and Addie, two of our three Burchell's Plains Zebra.
 A couple of pics of Stella.

 At 26, Stubby is in his prime.  Born at the Knoxville Zoo, the Maryland Zoo has been his home for the past 23 years.  He does love his orange clay wallow!

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