Saturday, August 22, 2020

Maryland Zoo: African Elephants

In accordance with AZA regulations, our little herd consists of 4 members:

  • Anna, the Matriarch
  • Tuffy, the Bull
  • Felix, adult female (has bred with Tuffy)
  • Samson, Adolescent Bull, off-spring of Felix and Tuffy
The recent $20 million expansion more than doubled the available space for the elephants creating a total of 5 exterior spaces wherein they can explore and be reconfigured to better mimic their natural behaviors.  Presently, the pairing of Felix and Tuffy continues with the hopes of conception.  To watch the two them together (in or out of estrus) is really a tender thing for such large, lumbering animals.  Anna is past the point of conceiving, and Samson is at a point in his life where interest in such things is now part of his life.  Another benefit to having options of habitats.  This post is about the ladies.  You will note that Felix does not have tusks.  If I recall correctly the reason is a rare genetic abnormality.  In African Elephants both gender have tusks, while in Asian Elephants, only the males do.

For a full grown adult African Elephant, she is small in stature, but so sweet in countenance.

Anna is a steady soul.  She had already been living at the Maryland Zoo when Felix and Tuffy arrived back in 2008.  In that same year, Felix gave birth to Samson.  A little more than a decade Felix's senior, she became the perfect Auntie.  As such he has an affection for Samson that is apparent, also.

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