Monday, March 25, 2019

A New Adventure

Over the past couple of months I have participated in a process at the Maryland Zoo to certify myself an Education Programs Volunteer.  It involved attending a a two hour introductory meeting with a series of activities.  This is used to cover the basic expectations of participation and for the staff, it gives them the chance to vet anyone who is not a competent candidate.  Also, you are vying for one of three roles at the zoo.  Subsequently, I was offered the option to participate in the educations programs.

Once you get the greenlight for this role, you then participate in to two separate 5 hour sessions.  One covers "Zoo Basics" and is led by the head of the Volunteer program.  The other focuses on the role of the Education Volunteer and is led by the education department.  In addition, you also complete a self-guided tour of the zoo that took me just over 3 hours to complete.

At this point I get my shirt and badge.  Also a season T-shirt.  I am awaiting my first assignment.

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