Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Philadelphia Zoo: View 3 of 9

One of my favorite aspects of the Philadelphia Zoo is their Herpetarium.  For a long time the zoo's director was Dr. Roger Conant.  Dr. Conant authored the Peterson's Field Guide  to the Amphibians and Retiles of the Eastern United States.  This addition to the zoo designed by him in 1971 became the world standard for the display of Amphibians and Reptiles.  It is home to 47 display habitats all of  which are designed to provide naturalistic homes for the animals.  It was given a technological overhaul in 1998.  It has been an inspiration to me and my own series of zoo specific Herpetarium designs.

 Emerald Tree Boa
 West African Gaboon Viper
 Splendid Tree Frog (from Australia)

 West African Dwarf Caiman

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