Sunday, April 1, 2018

Metro Richmond Zoo: View 10 of 12

Beyond the little Farm area you can take a walk in the woods were you will encounter a wide range of hoof-stock animals native to North America and then Central Asia.  There is also an American Alligator, but due to the earliness of the season and the temperature fluctuations still, she was not display.  The first you encounter are a pair of Bison, and then a Bighorn Sheep both opposite an enclosure with White-tailed Deer.  Past the Bighorn is a little herd of Wapiti (Elk).  And just beyond that is a group of Armenian Mouflon.  This takes you around the loop and up the ridge where you have a large herd of Fallow Deer on your left.  On your right is a very large area shared by groups of Turkmenian Markhor, Himalayan Tahr and Blackbuck from India.  At this point for close viewing I would recommend a pair of binoculars.
 American Bison

 Bighorn Sheep
 Two of the five Wapiti (Elk)
 Armenian Mouflon.  
They eventually grow horns that look like those of North American Bighorn Sheep.
 Fallow Deer

 Turkmenian Markhor (above female, below male)

 Himalayan Tahr
 Blackbuck (Nyala in the background above)
Blackbuck of whom only the dominant males transition to a black coat--fascinating, eh?

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