Saturday, January 13, 2018

Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey #4 out of 6

Entering into the other half of the structure you will be taken on a journey through some river biomes,  animals of Australia, another humongous tank mostly given over to dozens and dozens of mid-sized rays, other miscellaneous aquariums and finally a tank devoted to an infant Loggerhead Sea Turtle.
 The first display is in the foyer of this section and it's there much touted "Piranha Falls" exhibit, and I was complete underwhelmed!  I really expected a lot more based on how they feature it in their promotions and website.  It's a fake waterfall flowing through a bunch a fake tropical plants into a large crescent pool with Amazonian fish that include Piranhas.  Later I learned that a couple of times a day they turn off the lights and simulate a 60 second downpour into the pool, slightly increase the flow of the waterfalls and fill the foyer with flashes of fake lightning and the whole aquarium with the sound of timpani meant to be thunder.  I expected something far more immersive.  I thought there would be jungle in the round, I certainly expected live plants.  I've seen better at other aquariums, too.

 From there you are presented with smaller aquariums featuring animals endemic to regional river systems, like this Common Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina, which can be found in freshwater habitats in New Jersey.

Nearby is a very up close and observable Laughing Kookaburra which sets you up for the spacious Australian beach exhibit with it colony of Little Blue Penguins, Eudyptula minor.

 Aquariums are dark places....
 One of several coral reefs.
 Seahorses...can you see them?
 Two magnificent North Atlantic Lobsters, Homarus americanus.
 There is a spacious amphitheater for keeper talks and presentations at the largest view of the major tank.
 And this little beautiful Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta caretta, hatchling.

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