To get there, you take another escalator and this one is the most magical of all. Like a black chute leading to an Emerald Kingdom. But of course, you look back, and it's just an escalator. Then look around again. An Emerald Kingdom awaits your exploration!
Follow the path...
But do not put your hands in the tank!
Piranha and Black Neon Tetras
Just beyond, a tree house? A deck in the canopy! But first lets explore this level.
The perfect photo op, a Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao, before a Waterfall! This bird is an accomplished actor who knows its role inside out!
Immediately a pair of Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrots, Amazona oratrix, a species that is Endangered, and a pair possibly participating in a SSP (Species Survival Program)?
Looking up into the canopy, one of a little flock of Scarlet Ibis, Eudocimus ruber, looks back!
Time to find those stairs and climb up to the decks that offer views from the canopy! Clearly, the main fauna attraction on this habitat is avian, but it's not exclusively birds. The space is also home to a pair of Linne's Two-Toed Sloths, and a pair of Yellow-Toed Tortoises.
Once on the top deck, a docent alerts some of the visitors that at least one of the sloths is resting on the backside of an enormous fig tree off the edge of the deck. She has not seen the other sloth.
Finding her, I wonder is this just one sloth? What do two furry sloths entangled in an embrace even look like? Right?
After looking up, I chance to look down and spied this Yellow-Footed Tortoise, Chelonoidis denticulata, looking up at me! From here, it's all about the birds! And patience. And birds!
Blue & Yellow Macaw, Ara ararauna
The "headless" Preen-er!
Boat-billed Heron, Cochlearius cochlearius
I didn't get the identity of this wonder.
Silver-Beaked Tanager, Ramphocelus carbo
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