Sunday, May 5, 2024

President Biden's Impact on the Second Circuit Federal Judiciary

 Like the first, President Biden's appointments to the Federal Appellate and District Courts of the Second Circuit has created the second ever majority female circuit!  With 13, reason would suggest that 6 or 7 would be, but never before.

Perhaps when it comes to women justices, the Second Appellate is second none with the appointment of 6 women.  Notably, two who are also Lesbian, another type of diversity that President Biden has excelled in normalizing.  Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, also had 2 seats to fill on this court and chose to push gender equality back with 6 men.  There really isn't a single court anywhere that represents a model for the contrast between the two President's vision for the United States.

In regards to racial and ethnic diversity, President Biden has also push the envelope toward a more colorful Judiciary.  Having said that, one of the bedrocks of our Judicial system in the right to be judged by one's peers.  So the fact that both District Judges in Vermont are white, doesn't bother me in the least.  As to Western and Northern New York, both Districts have open seats that have not been nominated for yet.  Ergo, it's possible and reasonable that in keeping with his present philosophy diverse candidates could be coming to either or both.

And still, the percentage of White Judges dropped from 70.6% at the end of the Trump administration to 58.1% as President Biden's first term completes its final year.

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