Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Federal Courts: Southern Ohio, part 1

 Of the two Federal Court Districts that make up Ohio, the Southern District is the smaller in terms of number of seated justices with 8 compared to the Northern District's 11.  While the work of the Northern District is divided between 4 courthouses (5 if you include the Appellate), the work of the Southern District is confined to three Courthouses: Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus--with Columbus being one of the largest concentration of seats in the Sixth Circuit, second only to Detroit.  The second longest serving Justice in the Sixth Circuit is also seated in the Southern Ohio District: Judge Walter Herbert Rice was born in 1937 (86 yo) and was appointed to the bench in 1980 by President Jimmy Carter.  He has served for over 43 years.  (I'm in my 40th year as a public school teacher, but I didn't start with I was 43!)

Prior to the election of Trump-acolyte, J. D. Vance to the Senate from Ohio in 2022, President Biden was able to fill the 10th seat.  Seats 1 and 4 have been retired over the years, and seats 9 and 10 were subsequently added.  The demographics of the seated judges looks like this:
  • 7 Men to 1 Woman
  • 6 White to 2 Black
  • 5 Republican appointees to 3 Democratic
  • The 8 full-time Justices are supported by 8 Senior Status part-time Justices.

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