Saturday, February 11, 2023

Prologue Theatre: The Cake

 What a lovely little play.  We all know the story of the baker who won't bake a cake for an LGBTQ wedding.  This isn't THAT story, it's a story of that predicament.  Translated to North Carolina, we meet Della who owns a pie shop and is about to compete on the TV Baker competition.  The daughter of childhood friend, Jen, who returns to town with her fiancé, Macy; and they need a wedding cake, but Della love Jesus and she's just not ready to come around.  Enter in her husband, Tim who's beliefs about right and wrong as just a smidge further to the right of Della's, and you have the basic scaffold.  What you don't have is this delightful treatment of those elements.  Little by little, each character reveals more of their personhood creating an honestly interesting, not overly ambitious story.

The set was lovely with portions that slid away to reveal other rooms like chambers in the human heart. 

The cast was wonderful, each creating a character worthy of the audience's empathy; however, the tony goes to Nicole Halmos as Della.  Her portrayal of the sincere and conflicted baker who's world is thrown into an existential crisis by the advent of Jen and Macy was enjoyable and courageous.  In short, I loved it!

Full cast: Tim (Sam Lunay), Della (Nicole Halmos), Jen (Tara Forseth), and Macy (Sabrina Lynne Sawyer).

Della dreaming of being on the baking competition show.

Jen confronting Della in the Cake Shop.

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