Saturday, July 30, 2022

July's Judicial Nominees

When trying to maintain a balance that reflects the pluralistic society in which we live, the addition of moderate to progressive Federal Judges to counter the historic flooding of the Federal Courts with ultra conservative, white, male jurist under the Trump administration is an imperative. One that in spite of what conservative politicians and news outlets would lead you to believe, has not taken on the sense of urgency that it ought. July, however, was a good month for nominees from the Biden Administration.

Twenty-seven candidates in all have been nominated.

On JULY 11th

On JULY 12th

On JULY 13th

On July 14th

On July 29th

As important as bringing in new perspectives is the continued emphasis on equity.  These twenty-seven individuals bring to the judiciary:

12 MEN

9 Black Americans
8 White Americans
7 Hispanic Americans
3 Asian Americans

This visual diversity matters in America.

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