Monday, May 3, 2021

My Little Garden Zoo's Strawberry Pot Herpetarium

 A Herpetarium is a collection of Reptiles and Amphibians.  In My Little Garden Zoo it's a Mexican Strawberry Pot--and why not?  Enjoy!

The tiers are inhabited with a combination of natural flora (mostly volunteer wild violets) and some bits of moss that I did place there.  The top is home to a three old Sage plant that I actually use when cooking.  When I planted it three years ago, it was small enough that I would also keep my Komodo Dragon here.  And even though it dies back each winter, it returns so robustly that the Komodo Dragon has another home, now.  
Timber Rattlesnake (North America)

Mueller's Chameleon (Africa)

King Cobra (Asia)

Gila Monster (North America)

Burmese Mountain Tortoise (Asia)

Bearded Dragon (Australia)
Non-contiguous, bonus reptiles.  I have several others off display.  From Black Mambo, Anaconda, pythons to Spur-thigh Tortoise and Green Sea Turtles to 3 species of Poison Dart Frogs.  The season is young.  Who knows what will make it's way to the public?
Komodo Dragon (Asia)
Galapagos Tortoise (South America)

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