Thursday, January 30, 2020

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: Next to Normal

Now for a different kind of review from me.  "Next to Normal" played at the Kennedy Center this week and I splurged on a ticket for my birthday.  It's a musical with a lot buzz, and the cast included the totally adorable Ben Levi Ross, so how easy was that decision?

L to R: Michael Park, Ben Levi Ross, Maia Reficco, Brandon Victor Dixon, Khamary Rose, Rachel Ray Jones.

The Cast was amazing.  Everyone was wonderful and most held deep pedigrees on the stage and elsewhere, talent that shone throughout.  The Aforementioned Mr. Ross in the roll of Henry the stoner boyfriend has some of the best gag lines and executed each with fresh precision.  The key to the show and hands down the best of the best was Rachel Ray Jones in the roll of the mentally ill mother, Diana.  The set was was both simple and profound--so many metaphors to explore there.  The lighting was fine to annoying (probably intentionally so).  The audience ate it up!
Not a bad seat, center row T

Unlike me....the audience ate it up...  It found my nerve, not the good one.  In spite off all of the powerful performances, I actually grew bored.  The music became a drone.  The aforementioned flashing lights annoying to perturbation.  And worst of some point, I lost emotional contact and kept thinking "When will this be over."  As the old saying's me, not you.  Perhaps it was just so flawless, that it became unreal to me.  It's like the difference between watching a movie and theatre.  I had no expectation to be surprised by anything, and therefore, my delight waned.  Who knows? 

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