Thursday, January 30, 2020

American Visionary Museum of Art: The Secret Life of Earth

One of the most unique and wonderful art museums in America is in Baltimore.  AVAM: The American Visionary Art Museum is a series of buildings at the base of the eastern side of Federal Hill.  They house an amazing collection of outsider art, Americana, visionary works from artists you've probably never heard of, but you would definitely be fascinated by.

Many works of their permanent collection are found in buildings 2 & 3, where there are also educational facilities.  With the main building's three floors there are also dedicated galleries, and room for an artist in residence; however, the majority of space is given over to single annual curated exhibition on a theme that ties together the works of various artists from a range of media.  The show runs from September to September.  This year's theme is "The Secret Life of Earth"  It includes works by 37 artists.

Selected Works:

"Another Green Earth" 2016
by Johanna Burke 
Mixed media

[detail: Mandrill]
"Ammaw" 2017
Peter Eglington
Mixed media on canvas

"Princess Guarani of Iquazu" 2019
Peter Eglington
Mixed media on canvas

"What's Cooking?" 2019
Bobby Adams
Mixed media

[detail: Monkey in a pot]

"White Spirit Bears" 2012
Judy Tallwing
Resin, silver, garnet, sterling, acrylic, copper, diamonds on canvas

I didn't get the title of this one.  It's a room where images of the ocean and pollution in ocean plays on, through, off of stretched cloth forms while an audio plays over the top.  There are low benches and pillows to lounge on if one is so disposed.

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