Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MDZiB Fantasy Master Plan: Section 1 "Entrance-Parking-Events", part 4

The next closer look in this aspect of my Maryland Zoo fantasy master plan takes in a large area under the zoo's auspices and primarily used for large fundraising events.  The area includes the water feature known as the Boat Lake.  The Boat Lake is the second largest stagnant water feature in the Druid HIll Park.  It includes a 19th century Boat House on its banks.  Historically, the Boat Lake was a large open pond that was even used as an ice skating venue in the winter.  Today, it's very much grown over with underbrush so that the shoreline is inaccessible not simply due the antiquated fencing that surrounds it.  It is a haven for actual wildlife.  My plan does seek to address this, but rather to upgrade the perimeter fencing to match that of the rest being established around the zoo.  There may be a time in the future when addressing the wildness will make sense, or incorporating the Boat Lake into a future animal exhibition will happen.  For now, it's good as it is.  The improved fence helps to reduce the Maryland Zoo's liability regarding unauthorized use of the lake.

As to the rest of this area, key components are added that currently exist in another area of the Maryland Zoo.  Most notably picnic pavilions and an enlarge playground.  Both of these compensate for the anticipated redesign of an area of the zoo that is currently functioning in this manner called "Celebration Hill".  Celebration Hill provides groups a place to stage events like birthdays and reunions.  Moving the facilities to this area of the zoo will increase the number of possibly participants, upgrade the playground to a 21st century, all-children-accessible, play area, and provide access to the newly created, enlarged restroom facilities.  (Current users of the Celebration Hill facilities have a porta-john for their convenience.)

All of these upgrades are placed along the Zoo Plaza entrance perimeter of the larger events space and can be accessed to the enhanced enjoyment of participants in those events.  For example, the new lesser pavilion located among the picnic pavilions can be used by the Animal Ambassador outreach program for interactive and educational experiences during the larger events.  The key piece to this area of the zoo is to capitalize on its ability to monetize events and support the fiscal stability of the zoo, while provided excellence in visitor experiences.

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