Sunday, November 12, 2023

Breakfast Is Served

 The weekends I allow for this indulgence: Breakfast!  Proper and Creative.  Also enjoyed on my deck even with the temps are in the 40's!  The fresh air is good for me. 

Hickory Smoked Bacon
"Dirty" Eggs Sunny-side Up
Toasted Sourdough Bread
Seedless Green Grapes
Hazelnut Coffee

Two-Egg Omelet
Filling: Mexican Grape Tomatoes, Extra Sharp Vermont White Cheddar Cheese and Oregano
Topped with: Picante Taqueria Salsa
Mandarin Orange Slices
Vanilla Cinnamon Coffee

Kittens, be good to yourselves at least once a week.  The world is depending on you to be good to others the other six days!

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