Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Big One Is Coming!

 The Annular Solar Eclipse that was experiences today from Portland, Oregon east to Brownsville, Texas is the prelude to the real deal.  In April, the United States will once again host a Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun.  This one will also run West to East crossing our boarder over the Rio Grande between Del Rio and Eagle Pass, Texas, and then heading northeast to exist in to Canada just north of Houton, Maine.  The interesting thing about both events is they intersect across the heart of San Antonio, TX.

The upcoming Total Solar Eclipse will occur on April 8th.  The last one happened on August 17, 2017, and I was privileged to experience it in the gracious company of friends who live in Dubois, Wyoming.  It was one of the most amazing things I've every seen in my life.  And I'm hooked.

The map shows part of the pathway across the United States, and the yellow dot represents where a friend lives with whom I will be experiencing this event.  The red dots represent where various friends live whom I'm alerting to this opportunity now.  It's worth finding a way to get there, and then do it on its apex.  To truly understand the power of the event, you need to be on the focus line of the eclipse.  

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