Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The DoJ in Washington, DC

With all of this talk about impeachment and all the players who may or may not have violated their oaths of office and communitted unconstitutional and/or treasonist acts again the United States of America, I thought you might like to see the door leading into the offices of the Department of Justice on Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in Washington, DC.  Until yesterday, I couldn't have told you where it was!  By chance, I found myself walking along Penn Ave and "wow", there it was.

I swear, if it has been emerald green, I would have thought I had just landed in OZ!  I somehow feel like there has to be another entrance somewhere that people actually use to enter and exit the building.

A little further on I saw that there were quotes engraved into the facade of the building above the second floor windows.  This one caught my attention.  It seemed most fitting to our present malieu.  As I stopped to read and then lifted my camera to take the picture, an African American couple standing nearby noticed, and they also turned and looked up at the quote.  When they looked back around our eyes met and in shared sly exchange.

I said, "Ain't that the fucking truth?"

The woman replied, "Amen!"

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