Saturday, May 20, 2023

Baltimore Center Stage: Life Is A Dream

 Written by the Spanish playwright, Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1600 - 1681) and adapted in a contemporary text by Cuban-American Playwright Maria Irene Fornes (1930 - 2018), "Life is a Dream" is an example of a mid-17th century Spanish comedy.  It was written about 16 years after Shakespeare's last work. It is a rare treat to experience a work with this provenance.  The story is farcical and involves an invented kingdom set in Poland.  The plot centers around a prince entombed in a tower because a prophesy has foretold that he will be the ruin of the kingdom.  Meanwhile his cousins squabble over who will succeed the elderly King, his father.  There are a pair of travelers who stumble upon the kingdom and unbeknownst to one of them, they are the daughter of the head of the castle guard.  

The characters have vaguely mythological god names from Greek, Roman, and Norse traditions.  The Costumes are a mishmash of stereotypical ancient garb mixed with a steam punk vibe.  The set is one giant rock.  It dominates the stage and provides a high platform for the characters to use as a precipice at times.  The only other set piece is a golden throne.  

The writing is reminiscent of Shakespeare in it's form, with contemporary language provided by Fornes. All the actors were clearly having fun and were enjoyable to watch.  The most captivating performances were given by Jak Watson as the prince Segimund, Erin Margaret Pettigrew as the traveler (and lost daughter of the Head of the King's Guard), Rosaura, and Christopher Sears as Clarin, Rosaura's travelling companion.

I enjoyed the show and the performance, at 80 minutes without an intermission, it wasn't too hot, it wasn't too cold--it was just right!

Rosaura (Erin Margaret Pettigrew) and Clarin (Christopher Sears) are suddenly left stranded in barren steppe after their stupid horse runs off a cliff.

The walk to distant castle and discover the imprisoned Segismund (Jak Watson)

Every nearby is an Angel (O'Malley Steuerman); whose only lines are rifts from various contemporary artists like Prince and Iggy Pop that act to set the mood when scenes shift.

The conniving cousins Estrella (Andrea Morales) and Astolfo (Kene Chelo Ortiz) bickering over who should inherit the throne.  In an ironic twist, they are forced to marry so that they will always have to share it.

Kene Chelo Ortiz

The King, Basilio, (Nancy Linden) attempts to revive Segimund who has been put in a deep sleep by a potion and then brought to the castle to be given the chance to be Prince Heir-apparent as a sort of dress rehearsal.  The plan is to put him back into a deep sleep and return him to the tower if he fails and tell him the entire experience was just a dream.

Clotaldo, Head of the Palace Guard, (Gerardo Rodriguez) and Clarin pledging their fidelity to Segismund.

The Angel witnessing Segismund's return to the tower after failing the test.

Clarin helps Segismund escape the tower.

Clarin and Segismund raise an army that lays siege to the castle and the royal family.  Segismund wins and is on the verge of slaughtering his father and cousins when he suddenly has a change of heart  The King pronounces him worthy to inherit the throne and all's well that ends well...

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