Saturday, May 6, 2023

1st Stage: Mojada

Epilogue as Prologue: Leaving the theatre, I was walking behind a pair of older couples.

One of the men said, "That didn't have a happy ending."

One of the women responded, "It's based on "Medea," what did you expect?"

What did I expect, indeed? Cue Betty Rubble giggle. I didn't really have an expectation, other than that 1st Stage chooses interesting plays and provides an intimate experience for a super reasonable price. Review time.

The set was simple and lovely and parts moved to represent different settings.  The lighting had glitches.  The costumes were fitting for the roles, contemporary and cultural.  The adult acting was competent.  

There's an old saying that goes, "Never work with children or dogs."  The implication is that they will steal the show.  I think there's another interpretation--especially with children: they aren't very good.  The 8 year-old in this production was little more than a bendy prop.  When you're constantly having to tell yourself that he's only 8... sigh.

The play itself wasn't that amazing.  It failed to find its purpose.  Was it about the injustices of undocumented immigration?  The ensconced misogyny of traditional/indigenous Mexican culture?  The clash between loyalty and desire?  OR was it just a Medea flips and becomes a psychopath in the face of utter ruin?  You could argue that it was about all of these things and that plays can be about more than one thing at a time.  True.  However, few plays can be about so many independently power ideas simultaneously and do justice to them all.  In this case, it really didn't do justice to any.

Besides the overly ambitious writing, the actors failed to capture my heart.  As much as I wanted to join them on this adventure, I was never more than an outsider watching and occasionally wondering how I could change the channel.

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