Sunday, April 28, 2024

Prologue Theatre: Marjorie Prime

 Because I don't go the movies (no interest in such things), I was completely unaware that this play is an adaptation of the 2017 movie by the same name: "Marjorie Prime".  What little I did know suggested a show about a women ailing from Alzheimer's disease, and her family's struggle to cope with the range of inevitable psychological and physiological conflicts.  

It didn't take too long for me to realize that the conversation between Marjorie--who's memory was failing, and a handsome younger man named Walter was not at all what it appeared to be on the surface.  Honestly, a surface that was shattering with every turn of the conversation.  While this play is about the ravishes of dementia on the person and the family, it takes a decidedly SciFi turn with AI companions.  Walter is the android embodiment of Marjorie's long dead husband, and now companion.

Enter her daughter, Tess, and son-in-law, Jon.  Tess is full of unresolved pain in her relationship with her mother, and Jon is the quintessential glass half full good guy.  The negative energy triumphs and in their turns Marjorie, and then Tess die, leaving only Jon surrounded by artificial facsimiles of the others.  Once he sees the contents of the glass for what it really is...we are left with well-meaning androids attempting to carry on.

The acting was wonderful across the board, with the lion share of the story resting on the able shoulders of Kimbery Gilbert as Tess.  She's a solid local actress, and when I saw her name associated with the play, I was certain it would be an interesting experience.  The set was also amazing--a interior with chunks missing.  Simple and yet profound.  It's just starting and will be gone before you know it--if you live in the DMV, do go.  You will experience thought-provoking, professional theatre.  Take a friend and go to Mozzeria for a pizza afterwards!

As a teacher, I could have paid just $15, but I chose to pay full-price $25, because I am such a fan of this Theatre.  I'm also a sustaining member to the tune of $120 per year.  Peanuts, I know.  

The cast: Gabriel Alejandro (Walter), Kimberly Gilbert (Tess), Rosemary Regan (Marjorie), and Sam Lunay (Jon)

Rosemary with Tess

Rosemary alone in her elder home as time passes and her memory continues to fade.

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