Monday, July 6, 2020

Maryland Zoo: The Savanna

Four species can be found in the expanded African savanna area.  All where out; however the lions were tucked away under the bamboo and the Okapi was likewise in the secluded corner.  I don't have to see everything every time I go.  In fact, I don't expect to.  So this time I began by spending some time with out little heard of Reticulated Giraffe.  Our bull is Cesar.  We have two mature females Anuli and Kesi, and a younger female, who is Cesar's offspring, Willow.  Today, Cesar had the near yard to himself and the ladies were all exploring the larger outer yard.  Completely renovated a year ago, the space was not only enlarged, but graded into a level plain more suitable to the needs of the Giraffe.

From here if was on to the African Elephants.  Tuffy, our Bull, was feeding from his hanging net of straw and delighting the people who had assembled.  I went on toward the barn with it's tiers of observation decks and was rewarded to discover Anna enjoy the pool and using her trunk to root out some peanuts hidden among the boulders at the pool's edge, as well as, weeding up some salad.  Anna is the oldest elephant in the troop, and really a gentle giant.  Well, truth be told, they all pretty much are.  Nearby I could see 14-year-old Samson going through some keeper exam training.  In the far yard, his mother, Felix, was cooling herself by tossing a "mantle" of sand on her back and head.  She really has such a lovely face.
Reticulated Giraffe
Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata

African Elephant
Loxodonta africana
Anna by name

Felix by name

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