Monday, July 6, 2020

Maryland Zoo: Cheetahs and Warthogs and Dik-diks, Oh My!

Across the boardwalk from the Antelope Yard are our Cheetahs.  David and Bud are brothers who came to us from a Wildlife Park in Nebraska to be in our holding habitat.  We do not breed Cheetahs, and Cheetah breeding has become quite successful in the past couple of decades, so that many more zoos now have them and like us, many simply keep them well cared for as ambassador animals for the species.  As I observed the Addra Gazelles and Lesser Kudu I had my ear turned in their direction listening to a keeper chat with other visitors about the boys.  Seems that Davis has a thing for rabbit, while Bud prefers chicken. 

Next door are the Cape Porcupines, who I've only ever seen out and active in the late afternoon.  Being morning, they were snuggled up inside their little "cave" overhang.  Around the next corner is a little alcove of sorts that gives guests opportunities to see Common Warthogs and Kirk's Dik-Dik.  The Warthogs were out and ensconced in the shade provided by some of the vegetation in their habitat.  Our Warthogs are a companion couple.  Kewee, who was born at the Maryland Zoo, and Hodar, who was transferred from The Detroit Zoo where he was born.  Beyond them is a little habitat that is home to a very small and very shy little antelope called the Kirk's Dik-Dik.  Our is Podrick, and he is every bit the little fairy of the antelope world.  Dik-dik's have tiny little sharp horns and a nose that is actually like a little trunk.  A snout that is subprehensile. 
Acinonyx jubatus
Davis by name
Common Warthog
Phacochoerus africanus
Hodar by name
Kirk's Dik-Dik
Madoqua kirkii
Podrick by name

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