Monday, July 22, 2019

Maryland Zoo: New Chimp!

On July 5th one of Maryland Zoo's dozen chimpanzees, Bunny, gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  This is Bunny's first successful birth.  She's a special animal.  Brought to the zoo from a research facility when she was very young, she had the unique characteristic of being nearly deaf.  SO the concern centered around her ability to respond to her infant's sound cues.  However, from all indications, she's a magnificent mother.  Caring and completely aware of and tender towards all the newborn's needs.  It is an exciting things to experience new life. 

Due to the hot temps, my education station for volunteering which had been listed at the Farm Yard, was to be changed to an interior location.  I was thrilled to discover that it would be the Chimp Forest, and hoped that Bunny and her daughter would be out in the main area.  I was not disappointed.  Although the best moments eluded my senses to record with a camera, I did manage a few pictures when she was atop one of the "tree" gyms.  I look forward to getting more in the future and watching this beautiful chimpanzee grow up.

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