Friday, June 28, 2019

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History: Hall of Fossils, part 2

The newly renovated exhibition galleries also have a new name.  The Hall of Fossils is now known as "Deep Time".  The journey is one that moves back in time as well.  We start with the animals that evolved and grew into dominance after the meteorite impact 65 million years ago that ended the reign of the Dinosaurs.  This section features amazing skeletons of long extinct mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and ocean life.  Some of the artifacts are stunning.
 Sabertooth Cat--one of the most ubiquitous of the large land mammals to have gone extinct since the advent of Homo sapiens sapiens.
 Giant Land Sloth.  Stunningly impressive.
 Throughout the exhibit there are these round to oval dioramas depicted snapshot of ancient life.  The way they are made you can't help but think about some sort of time portal like the one Harlan Ellison created in the original Star Trek episode "City on the Edge of Forever".

 This is a fossilized Giant Gopher hole with the partially excavated remains of a Giant Gopher.  It's a truly wondrous artifact.

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