Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Little Garden Zoo; Up-grades and Additions

Spent part of the day tending to My Little Garden Zoo.  While they don't need food or water, they do need culling and pruning of the plants.  And removal of the inevitable dutritis that arrives from all the natural world around them: leaves, seeds, twiggs...stuff!

In the process, I worked on the container with the volunteer Asian Lily to clear away the past year's overgrowth and mess.  I replaced the water feature with a most durable ceramic one, and then transferred the Hippopotamus over.  The water feature in their present habitat had developed a hairline fracture and was no longer capable of retaining water.

Once relocated, I set about dealing with their former home.  I removed the ceramic sich and found a new one to replace it with.  Then I decided to move the Amur Leopards.  The impatien in their habitat had grown to the point of crowding them out.
I've since pruned it back and am contemplated what new species to add. 

On the table, I outfitted three planters to host three new species: the Eastern Cottontail, the Southern Tamandua, and the Collared Peccary.

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