Sunday, December 9, 2018

Escapism: Art @ The Meeting House in Columbia, Maryland

I got out to a reception for the exhibit Escapism, a five women collaborative show of mostly paintings, and some metal and enamel works.  The later were created by Tova Shpantzer.  I didn't pay much attention to them, not my thing.  The impetus for going was the participation of my friend Barbara Kahla.  To call Barbara a friend is not quite adequate, so let me amend and add faithful and trusted.  I have so long been her fan.  On occasion she has even asked my advice about issues with a few of her paintings--which is like humbling given her natural talent and commitment to her art.  I bring this up only because a couple of those paintings were in the show and for me it was like seeing the child now fully formed and magnificently so.

The show was organized by Susan Shalowitz (who, as fate would have it, I also am pleased to own a painting by).  The venue is The Meeting House in Columbia, Maryland.  It is an interfaith complex and home to 4 congregations: Roman Catholic, Jewish, United Christian, and Baptist.  The central hub with lined with works and then all of the hallways leading off into the various worship spaces continued the exhibition in every direction.  There was a snack table and a wonderful saxophonist playing easy jazz as a background to the pleasant conversations.  A lovely reception.

The other two artists were Jennifer Kahn Barlow who's works seem to focus on confectionary delights, and Malathi Jayawickrama.  Jayawickrama's subject of choice is flowers.  If I were to offer one criticism, it would be the lighting.  Many of the works were poorly light or even not light at all in dimly lit corredors.  Then, I doubt the architect imagined the walls would be used to display artworks in this way. 

I am including some of the works here starting with my friend.





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