Thursday, August 8, 2024

Phillips Collection: Where We Meet: Selections from the Howard University Gallery of Art and the Phillips Collection

 The final formal exhibition at the Phillips Collection was displayed in the old manor house on the third floor.  It was a selection of works from both the host collection and Howard University's Gallery of Art.  Howard University is the HBCU of record in the Nation's Capital, and boasts an impressive alumni roster.  Not least among them is Vice President Kamala Harris.

Full disclosure, I didn't realize the H.U. had an art gallery, and that fact along shames me greatly.  

The exhibit was meant to be a dialogue between works from both museums.  My only complaint was that it was so limited--only two rooms.  Here are images and highlights from those rooms and I place a key in brackets with each painting PC for the Phillips Collection and HU for Howard University.  Enjoy!

"Exodus," 1948 [HU]
Wifredo Lam, 1902 - 1982

"Bullfight," 1934 [PC]
Pablo Picasso, 1881 - 1973

Two works by
James Lesesne Wells, 1902 - 1993
TOP: "Journey to Egypt," 1931 [PC]
BOTTOM: "Adoration of the Magi," 1950 [HU]

"Jennie," 1943 [HU]
Lois Mailou Jones, 1905 - 1998

"Lemons and Tangerines," 1913 [PC]
Albert Andre, 1869 - 1954

"Harlem Belle," 1952 [HU]
Ellis Wilson, 1899 - 1977

"Flight into Egypt," 1936 [HU]
Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1859 - 1937

Confession: there are some artists whose works resonate with me so profoundly that I love them on first site.  I know them even if I've never seen them before.  Tanner is one of those artists.  The moment I saw this painting on the wall, I gasped inside.  What an exquisite joy!  What a wonderful way to end this little snap shot, in flight to Egypt.

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