Sunday, August 18, 2024

Philadelphia Zoo: Aqua: Water Is Life

 The last opportunity of note along this path is a relatively new collection of habitats under the title: "Aqua: Water Is Life."  It is designed with faux rock to feel at times like a cave and at others like a hike through a narrow canyon.  The two major species featured are Red Pandas (Asia) and Giant River Otters South America).  There is also a habitat where species of Bats have been housed; however, today it was occupied by three species of birds, Hamerkopf, and two types of duck.  The title might seem odd, and I think it is, too.  Yet it's justified by the fact that throughout the space educational placards teach about the precious and threatened status of water along with conservation tips and challenges.

On this visit, besides the birds, the Red Pandas were out.  The Giant River Otters weren't, which was a shame, because they are so much larger than our North American River Otter.  Giant River Otters live in the Amazon River basin where an adult male can top 70 lbs!  A fully grown North American cousin would be straining to make 18 lbs.  Last time I was here they had two breeding pairs, and the space is large enough that it is possible to keep both in separate areas of the habitat complete with their own access to the flowing water feature.

The bottom line on these habitats is that they are light speed ahead of what was here not that long ago.  On my first trip the first animals I encountered after passing the camel ride, were a pair of Red Panda in a rather small wire covered wooden frame cage.  Things have changed so much for the better.

The entrance to Aqua: Water Is Life habitats.

Ailurus fulgens
Conservation Status: Endangered

Scopus umbretta
Conservation Status: Least Concerned

Dendrocygna guttata
Conservation Status: Least Concerned

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