Monday, December 18, 2023

Federal District Court of Eastern Texas Snapshot

 It occurred to me after the past two posts that I should have started with this Snapshot of the Judges currently occupying the 8 seats of the Eastern District of Texas.

The nine columns read from left to right:

1) Order of tenure of the judge: por ejemplo, J. Campbell Barker is the 31st Justice appointed to this District.

2) The chronology of the establishment of the seat: por ejemplo, Amos L Mazzant III occupies the first seat established in the district

3) The year of the Justice's confirmation

4) The Name of the Judge

5) The Gender of the Judge

6) The race/Ethnicity of the Judge

7) The Age of the Judge

8) The college or University issuing the Juris diploma to the Judge

9) The status of the Judge Active or Chief

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